anthony fuscaldo, guitarist, jazz guitarist, classical guitarist

Anthony Fuscaldo is a guitarist and composer from New Jersey. Citing inspiration from Django Reinhardt and Joe Pass’s style of jazz guitar improvisation, Anthony's passion for music gives him a creative impulse that fuels each and every performance.

His recent album "Beautiful World" showcases a selection of songs inspired by world music influences, jazz, gypsy swing, klezmer, folk, including covers by Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, and Gogol Bordello. Novelist and music journalist Tris McCall from The Jersey City Times has described Anthony Fuscaldo as "... a talented jazz performer and an innovator...'Beautiful World,' his album, is a confident globe-trot, drawing from Eastern European folk, bossa nova, North American swing, and — that irrepressible Jersey City favorite — French gypsy jazz... he clearly knows the style well." Since it's debut, "Beautiful World" has also received other press mentions from outlets like Jazziz Magazine, Jazz Guitar Today, The Syncopated Times, and other publications.

Anthony's music credits for television and film include Lionsgate Films, NYC GO, Sur Peru, and many others. His music was also featured in the movie “Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn” starring Armand Assante, Ice-T, Ja Rule, Vincent Pastore, and directed by Paul Borghese. Accolades for his film music include festival selections in countries such as the US, Brazil, UK, Peru, Armenia, Prague, and Croatia; most notably the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival (WCFF), New York Jazz Film Festival, Mostra Internacional de Dança: Imagens Em Movimento, Smaragdni Eco Film Festival (SEFF), La Costa Film Festival, and the Chain NYC Film Festival.

Past performances around the US have included Anne Hathaway and Judd Hirsch in Amazon Studio’s “Modern Love,” audiences like CBS sitcom creator Chuck Lorre, Chef Daniel Boulud, CNN's Jim Acosta, comedian Ted Alexandro, players from the NY Yankees, as well as corporate clients like World Trade Center, American Express, Yelp, Jose Cuervo, Palantir, Hilton, The Museum of New York, The W Hotel Group, and many others.

anthony fuscaldo, anne hathaway, guitarist, jazz guitarist